Black Duck's Sacrifice Makadeshib (Black Duck) was a brave warrior and early chief of the Pembina Band of Ojibwe. He maintained his home...
The Pawnee Indians The Pawnee, sometimes called Paneassa, historically lived along the Platte River in what is now Nebraska. The name is probably...
About Crazy Horse the Man Who Was Crazy Horse?Crazy Horse was an Oglala Sioux Indian chief who fought against removal to a reservation in the...
Meaning of Animals Meaning of AnimalsThe Meaning of Animals plays an important role in the belief system of Native American Indians. Their beliefs...
How Geronimo Eluded Death and Capture for 25 Years In the summer of 1886, the legendary Apache medicine man and guerrilla warrior Geronimo was being pursued across hostile desert...
Grass Dancing Though Grass Dancing was originally done as a Warrior Society Dance, it has evolved over the years. It has further...